Increasing fireplace efficiency and eliminating troublesome fireplace smoke problems is as simple as replacing your existing flat grate with a Wall of Fire vertical grate. Let's take a look at exactly why our Wall of Fire vertical fireplace grate works so well.

The Wall of Fire vertical fireplace grate

The Wall of Fire grate is a high efficiency wood burning fireplace grate which features a unique, vertical design. This grate massively increases heat output, cuts wood consumption in about half, puts an end to fireplace smoke in the home, while virtually eliminating the need to tend the fire. Conventional flat grates are inferior to this design, and are troublesome. Common flat grate problems include the fire making little or no heat, the consumption of large amounts of firewood, smoke frequently spills into the home, the fire must be constantly tended to or it will go out, burning logs can roll out of the grate and onto the hearth, and the grate burns out after just a few seasons of use. These common flat grate problems do not occur when using a Wall of Fire fireplace grate.

Let's compare our Wall of Fire grate to the typical flat grate

(Figure 1) Here, a conventional flat grate with a well established fire is shown emitting a sustained temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit at the fireplace hearth. Be mindful that there is no fireplace screen or fireplace doors here blocking heat. This image illustrates a classic shortcoming of the flat grate; the heat emitting embers are hidden behind the firewood.

(Figure 2) In contrast, the Wall of Fire grate quickly exceeds the same thermometer's temperature range and begins to melt it. Keep in mind that this demonstration is intended only to show how much heat this grate is capable of delivering. The output of the Wall of Fire grate is extremely controllable and is directly related to how much wood is placed on it.
Conventional flat grate emitting fireplace smoke.
A clean-burning Wall of Fire grate unit shown in a masonry fireplace.

Wall of Fire grates produce more heat

Contrary to popular belief, the hottest part of the fire is the ember bed; not the flame. Many fireplaces produce limited warmth because conventional flat grates have a design in which the heat emitting embers are blocked by the firewood. If the embers are not visible, radiant heat is not being emitted into the home. The embers that are exposed are usually lying on top of the grate, aimed up at the chimney, and this is exactly where the heat is going to travel. In addition, flat grate fires commonly draw in freezing make-up air from outside to feed the wild chimney draft; actually dropping the room temperature.

The Wall of Fire grate maintains a vertical wall of heat emitting embers, positioned to face the living space. This means the hottest part of the fire is aimed directly into the home. Only the smoke and flame are aimed up the chimney; the exact opposite of a flat grate. The intensity of the heat is maximized by the draft which enters the lower front of the grate and in turn, fans the embers like a bellows. On average, heat output is more than doubled compared to a similar sized flat grate. This is all achieved without the use of fans or blowers, just simple physics. Because of this, Wall of Fires grates are an ideal alternative to expensive fireplace inserts. Wall of Fire grates direct considerably more heat into the home compared to what is lost up the chimney resulting in a positive room temperature increase.

Wall of Fire grates consume less wood

A conventional flat grate burns wood fast and inefficiently because the entire pile of wood quickly becomes engulfed in flames all at once like a camp fire. The rate of burn is  uncontrolled because the draft enters from the underside of the grate. This fans the fire wildly and radiates wasted heat up the chimney.

The Wall of Fire grate burns wood slowly by maintaining a tall, yet shallow, stack of firewood; optimizing fireplace efficiency. Gravity slowly feeds wood into the lower chamber of the grate where it is burned. The reserve wood at the top of the stack is not directly in the line of heat with the burning fire below, keeping it from combusting prematurely. The end result is a steady, efficient, heat emitting fire. The Wall of Fire grate only requires a few hardwood logs per hour to maintain a hot, lively fire.

Wall of Fire grates stop smoke problems

Old timers will always tell you "Build your fire at the back of the firebox!" For the most part, this wisdom seems to have been lost over the years. Fireplaces tend to smoke because conventional flat grates are usually deep, low-profile baskets which are placed near the center of the fireplace floor. The very design and placement of the flat grate makes it difficult to keep the fire confined to the back of the firebox. Unless the fire is constantly tended, the wood typically rolls forward as the fire burns. This locates the draft close to the fireplace's opening, allowing fireplace smoke to easily transfer into the living space.

The Wall of Fire grate promises the comfort and convenience of a smoke-free fire. Our grate hugs the back wall of the fireplace, taking up about half of the depth that a flat grate would. The fire, and smoke, is now safely away from the opening of the fireplace. This keeps the draft against the back wall of the fireplace and eliminates smoke puffs into the home. Fireplace doors may be left open while burning without the fear of smoke entering. The Wall of Fire vertical grate has stopped smoke problems caused by short or incorrectly built chimneys, shallow Rumford fireplaces, and downdrafts caused by high winds.

Wall of Fire grates are self tending and burn cleaner

Conventional flat grates require constant attention and toil to maintain a warm fire. As the fire burns and the wood is consumed, the contents shift and break apart. The end result is a smoldering fire that has lost its nucleus and must be pushed back together. Smoldering or poorly combusting fires tend to build up excessive chimney creosote quickly which can lead to chimney fires. Also, the constant opening and closing of fireplace doors or a fireplace screen to frequently tend the fire can add to your frustration.

The Wall of Fire grate holds its wood in a patented V shaped chamber, which allows gravity to push the burning wood pieces back together as they are consumed. Because the Grate Wall maintains this hot, steady burn (and doesn't smolder) creosote buildup in the chimney and overall fireplace emissions are reduced considerably. The fire will remain stoked and continue to burn efficiently without any fireplace tool intervention. If the fire is allowed to die down it can be easily re-kindled by simply throwing on one or two small logs.

Wall of Fire grates offer a safer way to burn

Because of their low profile, it is not uncommon for a burning log to roll right off of a conventional flat grate and onto the hearth, posing extreme danger. This has always been one of the greatest safety concerns regarding fireplaces.

Wall of Fire grates are tall enough to keep a reasonable amount of firewood below the top of the grate. If used correctly, the possibility of a burning log rolling out onto the hearth is eliminated.

Wall of Fire grates are quality products

Most conventional fireplace grates do not have a long life. They are primarily constructed of flimsy, low quality steel, or the cheapest cast iron available. Longevity of the grate is also limited since the flat grate is elevated by four legs. The elevated design allows the embers to fall through the grate until the entire unit is surrounded by intensive ember heat, which is then comparable to the heat produced in a blacksmith's forge. The grate is overheated, turns red and is slowly burned with each use, until its collapse.

Wall of Fire grates are constructed from superior American hot rolled steel, assembled by hand and MIG welded. Since the Wall of Fire grate is not elevated like its counterpart, the unit cannot be completely surrounded by the embers. This hinders the ability of the embers to burn the grate. We have had some customers inform us that they have burned as much as 30 cords worth of firewood in our grates before any serious fatigue was noticed.

Grate Wall of Fire fireplace grates offer a safer way to burn
Model M-5 Vertical Fireplace Grate